the other day shek and i went to METRO to look for things i can sell to my 500++ friends in facebook.
I decided to relive the peanut butter sale once more when i saw those big big jars filled with nuttyliciousness.
after walking thru all the lanes in there and buying the things on our list, we stepped out to go home.
then i saw on the first page of the METRO leaflet, gingers for only 50rubles. i've been plucking ginger buds from my roommates cupboard and its time to put some back. but more importantly, it was so cheap! Ginger in russia is freaking expensive, if u take 3, u give back 3. so i told shek to wait while i quickly make another round for precious.
This madam (me) went straight to the isle, grabbed a packet, scanned for the shortest queue and march right into it.
i was the only one with one item in hand. The rest of the buyers had bulks of things in their trolleys. Same goes with the man before me.
so, i waited and waited, thinking if shek has gotten impatient, thinking who would be a peanut butter fan, thinking if i should ask to pay first because hey, i only have ONE thing here.... but then i thought, this poor guy must have been waiting for quite some time too.
Finally after a century of beeping, printing, signing and packing, it was my turn.
The lady scanned the beautiful gingers i picked and the resit was 3 full A4 pages of printings which i had to sign 3 bloody times!
So much time, work and paper to buy 400 grams of ginger, i'm coming next time with Operation Barbarossa.
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